Saturday, 14 December 2019


Automate the labor-intensive, manual process of reviewing digital and paper documents, data entry, document classification and validation and routing of documents to recipients. No matter what hardware or enterprise applications you choose now or in the future, you can count on Ascent to ensure consistent capture, indexing and validation of the information you need. Visit document management system requirements. Implement a complete system that enables real-time monitoring, management and metrics of your business-critical document processing systems. This ensures that the FileHold Document Management Software receives consistently indexed content — no matter what the source — and your enterprise benefits from reliable, easy and fast retrieval of all your information. kofax ascent capture 7.5

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Customizable to meet your needs Easy to use, easy to install Scalable to grow with your enterprise Supports color scanning Designed for any industry Integrates with workflow and content management applications What's Cxpture in Ascent Capture 7. Convert paper and electronic documents into usable information for your business systems and processes.

Ascent Capture dapture powerful, production-level document scanning and data capture. Skip to main content. Kofax uses the same process to capture information from electronic documents, multimedia files, email and even XML feeds from other systems.

Information Capture Accelerate business processes by transforming all types of documents into actionable information.

kofax ascent capture 7.5

System Requirements for the Document Management Software: Combine ascnt document processing in Ascent Capture with Ascent Capture Internet Server and you can route specific documents to individual people or locations. No matter what hardware or enterprise applications you choose now or in the future, you can count on Ascent to ensure consistent capture, indexing and validation of the information you need. Document Scanning with Kofax Capture. For data capture, Ascent Capture extracts important information such as machine-printed text, bar codes, hand-printed words and even checked boxes.


Ascent Capture

The Ascent platform offers unmatched compatibility with scanners and other capture devices, plus content and document management systems, workflow applications and databases. Document Scanning Software Ascent Capture delivers powerful, production-level document scanning and data capture.

Visit document management system requirements. Use actionable analytics to improve the performance of your content-related processes. Improve efficiency by tracking and managing business metrics and performance goals. Advanced Capture is a document scanning, automation, indexing and extraction software solution that captures, classifies and extracts content from all types of paper and electronic documents and forms, transforming and delivering accurate cappture actionable information into core business applications, processes and workflows.

Ascent's capgure architecture makes it easy to extend the basic application to handle complex, high-volume forms processing, as well as information capture directly from remote offices.

This ensures that the FileHold Document Management Software receives consistently indexed content — no matter what the source — and caputre enterprise benefits from reliable, easy and fast retrieval of all your information. Single document processing automatically recognizes and separates documents within a batch capturd Ascent Capture separation functionality for immediate delivery to the next step in the workflow. Ascent is a modular application that can be used right out of the box to meet the needs of a specific department, and expanded to meet the complex needs of a high-volume enterprise.

What is Advanced Capture? Accelerate business processes by transforming all types of documents into actionable information.

kofax ascent capture 7.5

Quickly and easily set up and copy Ascent Capture, with unique configuration settings, to other computers for distribution throughout your company.

Company Profile Email Us. Digital Mailroom Automate the labor-intensive, manual process of reviewing digital and paper documents, data entry, document classification and validation and routing of documents to recipients. Capture Process Improvement Use actionable analytics to improve the performance of your content-related processes.

FabulaTech Forum - Kofax Ascent Capture ?

For companies that have already invested in Kofax scanning software the document management software provides seamless integration with Kofax Ascent Capture with the FileHold Release Script. Ability to dynamically define new folders in the document management library for released documents. This allows you to process critical ascejt documents faster.

Omnichannel Capture Discover how the ability to quickly and securely capture all types of inbound documents and information wherever they are first available—whether a central office or digital mailroom, from a customer's home, a local branch office or even remotely from a smartphone or tablet—can accelerate business processes and create unprecedented access to information across your organization. By replacing paper-based and manual processes with a digital solution, you can improve operational efficiency, identify problems quickly and cspture business processes as each piece of mail enters the organization.

A typical employee uses 10, sheets of copy paper every year and spends percent of their time looking for information locked in email and filing cabinets. For document capture, it boasts a fast, flexible scanning and indexing solution.

kofax ascent capture 7.5

Ascent Capture software is the most popular information capture application worldwide.

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